Your Detailed Guide to Getting an Austin Bar Piercing

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So you’re looking to get a unique nose piercing and from your research, the Austin bar piercing piques your curiosity. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for detailed information about this piercing. This guide shares how to get it done, its cost, aftercare tips, and how it compares to other nose piercings. 

What’s an Austin bar piercing?

Austin bar piercing - Your Detailed Guide to Getting an Austin Bar Piercing


An Austin bar piercing is a rare nose piercing that goes through the tip of the nose. It runs horizontally through the nasal cap without transversing the septum or the nasal cavities. It gets its name from the first person to have worn it, who was pierced by Patrick Bartholomew, a piercer from London. The barbell is the most commonly used jewelry for the Austin bar nose piercing.

Getting an Austin bar piercing

Now that we know what an Austin bar piercing is, let’s discuss getting one.

How is it done?

Despite its unusual nature, the Austin bar piercing is performed with a standard piercing needle. The piercer starts by marking the entry and exit piercings and drawing a straight line between them to ensure they are level with one another. 

The piercer will then double-check the placement and position with you. If you’re satisfied, they’ll proceed with piercing through the entry and exit markings. Finally, they’ll insert a straight barbell through the piercing. 

Do Austin bar piercings hurt?

Yes, it hurts. There’s a lot of flesh and skin around the nose tip area. The needle has to push through a thick surface, making it painful. However, with a professional piercer, the pain might be minimal. 

💡 Take Note: Piercing pain is subjective. Some people have a higher pain tolerance than others and might feel less pain. 

How much does a bar piercing cost?

It costs around $35 for an Austin bar piercing, excluding the jewelry. 

Who shouldn’t get an Austin bar piercing?

The Austin bar piercing is not for everyone. If you fall in the categories below, you shouldn’t get an Austin bar nose piercing. 

You have an existing infection

Bacterial infections are the number one piercing complication. If your body is already harboring an infection, your immune system may weaken, and your piercing is more likely to get infected. It’s advisable to wait until you fully recover before getting the Austin bar piercing.

You’re sensitive to most metals 

If you’re allergic to metals like stainless steel, titanium, nickel, and others, you may want to avoid this piercing. However, if you know what metals work great with your skin, ensure that the barbell and piercing needle is made from that metal.

You’re constantly taking out your piercings

Your job or sports may require you to take out your piercings constantly. It would be best not to get the Austin bar piercing because it takes several months to heal. Continually removing and inserting the barbell might lead to infections or other more severe complications.

You have a history of excessive scarring 

Don’t get an Austin bar piercing if you have scarring issues like keloids. A keloid results from excessive scar tissue formation. It’s unsightly and requires surgery to remove it. You wouldn’t want this scar on the tip of your nose. 

Caring for an Austin bar piercing

After getting this procedure done, it’s essential to know how to take care of it properly, so you don’t get infections and other complications. 

How long does it take to heal?

An Austin bar piercing takes two to three months to heal completely.

Tips for caring for an Austin bar piercing

The following tips will help you care for your Austin bar piercing:

  1. Clean your hands with soap and water before touching the piercing and before cleaning the piercing.
  1. Clean your piercing twice daily using a saline rinse or salt water soak. Make your saline solution by dissolving a quarter teaspoon of salt in half a cup of distilled water. Soak a cotton cloth in your solution and dab it gently on both ends of the piercing. Wait about 5 minutes for the residue and dirt to soften, then wipe the area. 
  1. Avoid swimming pools, saunas, and hot baths during the healing process to minimize exposure to bacteria that may lead to irritation or infections.
  1. Avoid changing or removing your jewelry for at least six weeks unless you need to remove it due to prolonged discomfort or infection. If your jewelry causes discomfort, it’s advisable to return to your piercer for help, especially if your piercing is still fresh. 

Nose piercings similar to the Austin bar piercing

Some nose piercings are similar to the Austin bar piercing. Let us examine the differences between them.

Mantis vs Austin bar piercing

Mantis piercing


Mantis piercing is a new nose piercing trend. They’re also known as “forward facing” nostril piercings because they are at the front of the nose.

Unlike the Austin bar, which is pierced horizontally through an entry and exit hole, the mantis is pierced vertically through each nostril separately. There’s no horizontal or vertical connection between the two piercings on each side of the nose.  

It’s also different from the Austin bar piercing because it passes through the nostrils, while the Austin bar piercing passes through the nose tip. 

Nasallang vs Austin bar piercing

Nasallang piercing


At first glance, the nasallang piercing looks like two different piercings. The nasallang piercing is also known as the trinasal piercing; it’s a single bar that goes through the right nostril, the septum, and the left nostril. It requires a reasonably high pain threshold and can heal in about four to six months.

In contrast, the Austin bar piercing doesn’t go through the nostrils and the septum. It only goes through the flesh at the tip of the nose and takes a shorter time to heal – about two to three months. 

Rhino vs Austin bar piercing

Rhino piercing


The rhino piercing goes through the nose tip vertically, unlike the Austin bar, which goes through it horizontally. The rhino piercing takes about six to nine months to heal, while the Austin bar nose piercing takes two to three months.

Bridge piercing vs Austin bar piercing

Bridge piercing


The difference between these two piercings is their location. The bridge piercing goes through the upper part of the nose with the jewelry sitting between the eyes, while the Austin bar piercing goes through the tip of the nose. Both piercings take the same time to heal, two to three months. 

A unique nose piercing

If you’re looking for a nose piercing that sets you apart from others, the Austin bar piercing may be the perfect one. It isn’t as painful as other nose piercings, such as the nasallang piercing, and neither does it take so long to heal. If you decide to get one, look for a professional piercer and follow through with the care tips to prevent infections and other complications. 

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